Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Arnold and the convention

Okay. Let me get something out of the way. This post is not about politics...it's about semantics, it's about writing really.

Bash away if you choose, but for the record I voted for Bush and will do so again in November. I watched the convention tonight, curious to see what both Arnold and Laura Bush would say. And generally I liked both speeches. But why, oh why, does Arnold have to say "Democrats are telling True Lies" and "terminate terrorism" and "economic girlie men?!" I mean, I understand that Republicans wanted him to speak because of his story, but mostly for his celebrity. And I understand that when he says these phrases (warped movie lines turned into political stumping) that there are millions of mindless saps at home who subconsciously connect their affection for his movies with the Republican party.... but won't they make that connection just from him speaking?

Mostly it offends me as a writer. I write a lot. I'm not accomplished or anything, but I've written a few books, a couple plays, and even a screenplay. I write and act in skits at my church. And I majored in Speech Communication. So I like to think I know a thing or two about writing. My buddy Josh and I are always pointing out when sitcom or drama writers on tv take what we call "the easy way out." There are some cliches so tempting that writers just can't seem to avoid. "Terminate terrorism" and "economic girlie men" is just bad writing. Instead of taking Arnold's already engaging enthusiasm (he's currently the most popular governor of California in three decades, and has the second highest approval rating in the state's history) and writing something original and clever for him to say...something intelligent about terrorism or economics....they simply gave up and just went with the cliches. I mean, who couldn't have come up with those lines? At my home we ran with it, my roommates and I: "Now the terrorists are the ones who are the Running Men. These two guys, Kerry and Edwards, are so liberal that they are almost Twins." Etc. That's too easy, and too cheap, and really too bad. Makes me think I should be writing high-profile political speeches....because there should be a few job openings out there with writing like this.


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