Friday, September 03, 2004

RNC - not simulated!

I think Bush kicked ass tonight - I really do. I'm not sure how people don't see that and really connect with it. I feel like we saw a man trying his best to be honest with everyone about who he is, what he wants to do, and how he will do it. I agree with it most of the time, but even when I don't I respect him. And I love the idea of freedom being God's gift to the world. I've said this before, and I still agree with it: Democracy is inevitable.

I was watching PBS' coverage, and the more conservative speaker pointed out that the domestic agenda he outlined is far more pro-active than your normal Republican agenda. This is a break from normal small government right-wing politics. So many people from the left think he's incredibly right-wing, but I think he approaches being too moderate. I wish he'd spend less.

I wanted to see Guiliani, who I nearly idolize (should we start calling him President now, or actually wait until he's elected?), but sadly missed him. And maybe Arnold was good - I have no idea. The two before Bush tonight weren't all that great, with one only there because he is Cuban-American and running for office in Florida. Too bad Florida wasn't watching, as they're too pre-occupied with not being blown into the Gulf of Mexico and dying and stuff.

The Zell Miller speach is going to backfire on the RNC. The Dems are already harping on it, trying to make Republicans look like an angry, bitter party. Several on the Dems side will continue playing it, and the undecided will see small replays of its angrier points and not like it. That being said, I enjoyed what he said and how he said it. Fired up the base - not that that helps anything.

I want to make one final point. I'm not here to brow-beat or anything, as I think we're really way too divided right now on politics, and that it's not healthy for our country. And I certainly don't want to keep people from disagreeing. But, I'm voting for Bush for one reason, and that's his stance against terrorism. I simply haven't heard Kerry give enough time to this issue, and can't feel like he treats it seriously. I wish deeply that Lieberman had won the nomination, as, even though I disagree with him on some issues, he has the guts to fight terrorism. Abortion, Medicare, gun control and all the other hot political issues of our day will come out in the wash (think about it; we'll be debating other things in 100 years), but if we don't face terrorism, we won't have a freaking country to debate in. Bush hasn't always been right, but he does have a battle plan, and we are winning. By the stats, terrorism has decreased by slightly less than half since 9-11 (I can't find the link for that - too bad...). The Repubs were wise to focus on terrorism as much as they did, and I think it will pay off with a 3-5 point bounce. Which, of course, will have evaporated completly by the debates.


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