Tuesday, November 02, 2004

My 3rd Election

Yes, indeed, probably for most of us this is the 3rd election that we could take part. I voted Dole in 1996 but oddly enough, I think I might have voted Clinton if I were 27 back then. I'm much more in the middle than I ever was--liberal about arts and freedoms, conservative about taxes and kicking ass.

I was talking to someone today, who is lesbian, and she voted Bush mainly because of the taxes thing. She doesn't believe a president can ultimately push gay marriage through the door--it takes going through the House and Senate, and ultimately the freedoms you enjoy aren't going to be affected by who's "in charge." I don't even know how important that topic is to her, but it seems like she has a focus--and doesn't believe John Kerry is going to give her the things she wants most (really doesn't believe any one man can anyway).

This is my second vote for George W. Bush, and there's some mixed feelings about that for me. I think I like him better than Kerry mostly because what he says, he stands by. It might be wrong, but at least he believes what he says. I think only a president with this kind of agenda can keep Americans safe. This bogus, ridiculous Bin Laden tape basically says we're going after individual states that vote Bush--meaning regardless of whether or not Kerry gets in office, terrorists are still going to attack states that voted Bush, taking a stance that the states must have their own military and are responsible for foreign invasions. So if Kerry gets in, what is he going to do for Tennessee if someone decides to blow up the BellSouth building?

But why mixed? Because Kerry is a more intelligent man. He just doesn't have a backbone, and we need leaders, not people who agree with everything every voter says. In crisis, who makes the decision? Is it Kerry, or is it a whole bunch of people who may have differing opinions (a nightmare for this candidate). I think indecision is possibly the worst flaw someone can have. It doesn't lead to much bad, but it certainly doesn't advance a country. And Bush may very well be bad on a lot of topics--but I'm still making money, and doing things I like to do, and feel safer--and Kerry being president would only give me 2 out of 3 in that regard.


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