Monday, December 06, 2004


The steroid issue has finally come to the forefront, and I think that no one who follows the game is truly surprised. Just look at this side by side of Giambi and tell me he wasn't on the juice:

We knew it years ago. Again, this is no surprise. But, what is a surprise is the lack of reaction from the front offices. I'm hoping for a strong statement soon, like the NBA with Ron Artest, but I'm not expecting one. The fact that there has been no reaction yet when they've had years to prepare for this moment is telling. I hold the strong opinion that, for the long-term health of the game, the Selig administration has been horrible, even if ratings are up. This is a scandal that could hurt far more than the strike of 1994 did.

I have one main point to make - until Bud gives a significant, if not lifetime, ban to Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi, baseball will not get a single dollar from me. Not ever, even for years to come. Do I want to drive an hour and a half to pay $20 to see a game that isn't clean? No. And I think a lot of other people would agree. If nothing happens soon, I think that a boycott will become a popular outlet for people's anger and disappointment, and I want to be one of the first on board.

Gammons has more, excellent as always.


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