Thursday, March 03, 2005

Here's the Deal on China

This Saturday morning, I and many of my classmates will embark on a 23-hour journey to China. The first week will be in Beijing, and the second in Shanghai, for a total of 16 days. We got a good deal on airline tickets by booking early. And through the contacts of one of our professors, we have arrangements through their government to have a comfortable stay. While there, we will be meeting with many local businesses (this is a business school trip, of course), visit several universities, meet with members of the 2008 Olympic committee, go shopping for some incredible bargains... and see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. My God...

I haven't posted much on this because my life has been incredibly hectic of late. This final semester of classes has been the most stressful yet, which has put an incredible strain on my social life (and certainly my blogging life). But, the two tests for this week are out of the way, and I'm finally able to relax. That is, if hectic, last-minute packing is relaxing. At least I'm not being graded on this!

I hope I can blog each night, and will have pictures to share eventually. I'll try to put some up while there, but I'll likely just have a massive dump at my photo site when I get home.

I hope our visitors check in and see how things are going. It's hard to believe that I'll be at the Great Wall next Tuesday, when today feels just like any other day. Incredible.


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