Friday, March 04, 2005

Movie Quotes

Chris, I demand that you do this.

I'd list my own, except that I can never remember movie quotes. All of mine would come from The Natural anyhow.


Ah hell, I keep thinking of quotes from The Natural, so here goes:

1. "Outta here, Roy, outta here!" (some guy on the stands)

2. "And I'm takin' trips, to her tasty lips." (Pop Fisher, singing during practice)

3. "You've got talent, Roy, but it's not enough. Rely on your own gifts, and you'll fail." (Roy's father to a young Roy Hobbs. I think I quoted this one right)

4. "I think you're overlooking these, Gus. Wanna Dance?" (Roy to Gus, and then Memo... smooth)

5. "Oh shit!" (words mouthed by guy in the stands, but not actually heard)

I can think of twenty more, but there's five.


And now for movies that aren't The Natural:

1. "Vegas, baby, Vegas!" (Swingers)

2. "I need the eggs." (end of Annie Hall)

3. "I'm much too busy seeing that you don't lose any of the money I married you for." (The Thin Man)

4. "Daisy..." (2001)

5. "Eawhhhhh" (Chewbacca, Star Wars)

Just the first ones that popped into my head. If the Chewbacca one really isn't a quote, I'd have to go with the Chewbacca song in Clerks. "Chewbacca, what a wookie!"


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