Friday, April 29, 2005

Interesting Addendum...

to the police problem I wrote on a few days ago (and no, I have no desire to see it any further legally). I was speaking to an undergraduate professor of mine today, and discovered that he lives in White House, where I had the issue. He told me that, in a town of 10,000, they just formed a full SWAT team unit. It seems that someone with the police force of White House is essentially insane. That explains a lot.


At 4/30/2005 08:01:00 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Dude, that is funny as hell. I mean maybe they've got some serious drug rings to bust up or whatever, but a damn SWAT team in Whitehouse? Are they chasing down Bo and Luke in the General Lee? What the hell is this world coming to? We have to pay taxes on this kind of bullshit?

At 5/02/2005 09:20:00 AM, Blogger Kennelworthy said...

Well, it is rather hilarious. But I think I know why they have a SWAT team: crystal meth. I know those country counties north of Davidson are some of the highest concentrations of meth makers, and I also know that everyone in law enforcement from the state levels on down is cracking down harder on meth-labs than on any other kind of drug activity.

Now, do they need a SWAT team in order to take down a trailer with two shirtless, toothless hicks inside? I doubt it.

But I would bet you anything that's the justification they gave for getting a SWAT team. Geez, what do they do all day during the days when they aren't taking down drug houses? They're like the fire department I bet...sitting around playing cards or something.

I bet it's costing a lot of money, and for as often as a SWAT team in White House is needed...probably wasting a lot of money too.


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