Sunday, February 05, 2006

Drink Like a Champion Today

My uncle, or George's dad, told me a story about the Steelers from long ago. Apparently, and not surprisingly, they would go out drinking all the day, including before game night. One year they were playing a big game, perhaps a championship game, and they took it so seriously that they didn't go out partying the night before. Needless to say, they played horribly, and got beat.

Ben Roethlisberger (see his blog here) apparently knows how to do the same. Here are the great pictures of him in full effect, drinking hard and looking rough. These just make me giddy. Here is an FAQ explaining how it happened. Perhaps he can join Kyle Orton next time he's in Chicago.

My only Super Bowl prediction is this: one of the two teams will not show up to play, and it will be another bad playoff game. For a guy like me whose team was eliminated long ago, there hasn't been much to like in this post-season. There has been a lot more bad play than you would expect thus far.


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