Monday, December 15, 2003

Fair enough on the Petite angle, and I meant my focus to be geared more towards the radio talk shows; maybe it did not come off that way. And with the Orioles swiping up a few, all of those free agents pretty much are landing in the AL East.
I don't know if I'll be seeing "The Last Samurai" or not; I'm a huge Tom Cruise fan, but the previews and word of mouth has not really moved me either way. As for "Return of the King;" I saw the first two films, and it's not that they were bad movies by any means, but I just don't really care. Elijah Wood will get the ring; those warriors will win their fight, and middle earth will be restored. I don't know why, but the first two just really didn't move me; maybe this one will be different.


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