Monday, November 15, 2004

In the Immortal Words of Religious Rappers DCTalk

"Back in place
and I'm all up in your face
with a rhyme that I embrace
like a mother to her child
I'm kicking it Jesus style."

Sorry, the preacher kid in me often recalls the strangest things. But the gist of that rhyme is to tell you I'm back. By my calculations, I haven't blogged since Benson was on the air...and I apologize.

I had a wreck that totaled my car, and then spent three weeks arguing with the insurance company over the settlement offer and the damage estimates--I finally won that fight by the way. Then I reached into the air and grabbed me some bronchitis, and that had me in bed for a while. Finally, I lost my home internet connection when Comcast did some sort of upgrade. Four days and a new cable modem later...and I still don't have internet at home.

Sure, I could probably have blogged during that time...after all, I'm blogging today from work and could easily have done that before now. But I was mentally distracted by the whole broken-car/demonic-insurance-company thing. I was pretty discouraged at having totaled the only car I'd ever owned, mere months after paying it off. I was also pretty discouraged at my first-hand experiences in how evil and penny-pinching and self-serving insurance companies are (side note: stay away from Progressive if you want a fair settlement when you wreck).

But I think Chris's post says it best in that there's really just not a lot to blog about these days. Titans showed us some more of their ass yesterday....and it's ugly. Hockey continues to drift further and further from our minds as they act out a childish disagreement--seriously, it's like Kerny and Nelson on the Simpson's here with the two sides calling the other side names and entrenching themselves in a no-negotiating position.

But today I felt inspired...inspired not really by a single topic or idea to blog about, but just inspired to not let my blogging go the route of my favorite sport. And so I'm blogging. I will post at least two more posts today, because I have ideas on topics for at least two more blog posts. I don't know if any of it will be enjoyable reading, or if it's just a necessary step on the road to blogging recovery....but hopefully it can be both.

Either way, it's good to be back...I hope you guys don't begrudge me for my absence. I promise not to go away that long again.

Somebody has to bring the fun--where else can you catch a Simpson's reference and Christian rap lyrics from the 90's all in one post?


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