Monday, December 01, 2003


Curt Schilling going to the Redsox is huge, but at the same time is no one concerned about whether Schilling and Pedro can stay healthy for an entire season? I think Sexon going to the D'Backs will do wonders for their offense, but who's going to be pitching now. Johnson's not going to stay healthy, and will Brandon Webb have as good a sophmore year? It will be interesting. So the Braves lose Sheffefield and will probably lose Javy. That's 83 homeruns, or 37% of their total offense last year which is the only reason they won as many games as they did. But now maybe they have room to go for a Millwood or Vasquez. As far as more offense, I hear they might want Jaque Jones or Juan Encarcion; I don't know what to make of that. Derek Lee should be a fine addition to the Cubs or a complete washout. I'm hoping for the former but worried about the latter. We'll see.

I've only been to see "Bad Santa." I think that's all I've seen since I last talked about movies. Anyways, I thought it had some slow moments, but when it was funny, it was fucking hilarious. Billy Bob is the fucking man in this film. "Who the fuck is Thurman?" is my favorite barb.


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