Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I ROBOT:  A film that seemed to go back and forth from "cool!" to painful at whiplash speed.  I have no problem telling you that I like Will Smith, that he has great presense on film, like that I still think his first breakout rap songs as the Fresh Prince are fun, and that he'd be really fun to hang around.  But I think he just tries too hard.  Maybe audiences want that over-the-top comedy thing going for each summer movie, but it gets a bit old.  And, the script gave him so many silly lines to say, Terminator like, that simply weren't that good.  A couple of them nailed it, but you almost have to in a movie where going for the comedy punchline is the main method of discource.

The robots were cool, though.  I liked the way Sonny looked (yes, I'm complimenting special effects), and always enjoy thinking about when a machine can turn into a soul.  I liked the fourth generation of the machines, especially the way they said "Human in danger", which was realistic and cracked me up at the same time.  And the fifth generation machines turning against was interesting, if implausible.  There is no way robots are this advanced in 30 years.

One bad thing, as I think has been said here, is that, when the main character is in "danger", you know he's going to make it through.  Just makes for a boring scene.  But the crowd seemed to enjoy these, so, I guess it's okay.

My favorite part was the robot on robot, one on one violence.  I love that two similarly matched robots can do many supercool at the same time while trying to kill each other.  And it's okay, because they're robots, and who cares!  I just wish there was more of it in the movie.  It always gets me mad when robots can do incredible things, and then don't do them when fighting against a human.  We know that the new generation T3 can do anything, including make his/her arm into a long, sharp blade that can kill anyone.  They why can't you do something like that when actually in contact with a person?  Hand to hand fighting is ridiculous against a creature that physically can do anything, even avoid bullets.  You mean to tell me they can't avoid your fist as well?  Not only that, T3 completely destroyed the entire purpose of T2; that is, saving the world of a nuclear holocaust!  It happens in T3!  Goodness, that really got me mad.

Anyhow, I,ROBOT is a decent summer movie, with pluses and minuses that you would expect, and that's it.


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