Thursday, September 09, 2004

We Are Officially Drafted

And all I can say is...everyone's team looks equally studly. No clear advantage (as we had guessed would be the case) and there's just no way to predict this league--whichI love.

I can already see what my biggest problem will be: seeing so many studs on waivers and coveting them, only to be 100% stumped as to who of the 20 studs on my team I would drop to open up a roster slot. It'll be a contsant debate with me all year. "Man, that guy's on waivers and he's scoring all the time...I'll pick him up--now...which of my even higher scoring supermen should I kick off my team?" If I'm not careful I'll drop a guy, then pick him back up the next week after seeing him play, then drop him the next week for another waiver stud....I'm already thinking of seeking professional help for this problem.

Looks like we won't be counting the first week of games for our league, even though we've drafted, which is cool with me, I guess. It'll give me another week to agonize over who to bench. It's not really about who-should-I-start in this league as much as who-should-I-bench...because they're all great. I swear at first glance I thought I somehow landed the first consecutive twenty picks, until I remembered there are only four teams.

These point totals are going to be insane.

I'm down with whatever on the playoffs. We could certainly just do them ourselves, ignoring yahoo, matching up the top two at season's end. Or we could just all make the playoffs...I'm completely ambivalent. You guys just let me know. I seem to be quite unlucky at playoffs in fantasy William H. Macy in The Cooler (a guy so unlucky, they hire him to stand around when someone's winning so that the winning will stop!)

Good luck.


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