Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I actually typed up a worst of list that this site for some reason did not publish, so I guess I will have to retype that soon, and I will be throwing up a best of list in the next couple of weeks; there's just a few more movies I'd like to see. But I should have it up before Oscar time.
Also, Chris, when talking about Tim Burton you forgot to metion "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" which is pretty damn funny. Also, when talking about the ultimate comic book movies, what about "Spiderman," "Superman I and II," "Unbreakable?" These are all much better than the stuffy and overdone "Batman." Hell, I like "Batman Returns" better. Now onto the first couple of genuine 2004 movies I've seen.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree, Chris. This is definately a so bad it's good entry. Everything in this movie is absolutely ridiculous and I found myself laughing when I guess I was supposed to be taking the scenery seriously, but in the end I enjoyed every second of it. Ice Cube is funny as hell, and Martin Henderson is a perfect leading man in a stupid movie like this. I got out of this exactly what I was looking for, so I really can't get on to it for that.

In this movie, Phillip Seymor Hoffman plays Ben Stiller's best friend. His character is a has been actor who had a big hit movie as a teenager and hasn't done shit since. His subplot involves him filming his own E True Hollywood Story in hopes they will buy it from him. The parts in the movie with him in it are absolutely hillarious. You will walk away from this movie shouting "Rain Man" for days. But everything else, including the main plot, where a down in the dumps Stiller falls in love with Jennifer Anniston and has a life changing moment, is pretty lame. Stiller plays the same character he's played in eight or so other films, and he's fine. A lot of people are saying that Anniston plays against type, and is nothing like Rachel, but I found her to be exactly like Rachel. This isn't terrible or anything, she's very likeable, I'm just not sure where the critics are pulling this from. The plot device used to create the climax was stolen from an episode of "Friends." So, not a terrible movie, I just wish they had made a movie about Hoffman's character instead.


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